Selected appearances/events
19 November 2023, 4.30pm
Hauntings closing party
Join our celebratory closing party on November 19th. The event will feature readings from some of the exhibition's contributors.
—Brewery Tap
18 February 2023, 2pm
Verve Poetry Festival
Poetry readings by Leo Boix, Iulia David, L Kiew, Jennifer Wong and Eric Yip and more! Follow link for more info.
—Birmingham Hippodrome
5 July 2022, 7pm
Poetry in Collaboration
A celebration of what poetry can be in a live setting, celebrating the remarkable Netherlands literary scene of the 21st century. Info here.
—Iklectik Artlab
17 March 2022, 7pm
Constellations Launch
As we approach the vernal equinox Guillemot Press are launching two new books by Richard A Carter and Astra Papachristodoulou.
—Online via Zoom
16 November 2021, 6pm
Haptic poetry talk
Reading Series at University of Kent's Centre for Creative Writing. Feat performances that explore haptic play by myself & Iris Colomb.
—University of Kent
28 October 2023, 3.30pm
Small Publisher's Fair
Astra Papachristodoulou reads from Selected Variations for Bees and Prerana Kumar from her debut Ixora.
—Conway Hall
30 January 2023, 6pm
Beyond Text Festival
Tune in to enjoy readings from Nick Murray, Astra Papachristodoulou, Josephine Carter and Calum Rodger. Info here.
—Online via Zoom
8 June 2022, 7pm
Christie's Lates
Christie’s Lates presents an evening festival of contemporary poetry and art curated by Simona Nastac. More info here.
—Christie's, London
06 March 2022, 7.30pm
Glue Factory event
I will be reading alongside writers Harry Parker, Melissa McCarthy Christian TeBordo, Aea Varfis-van Warmelo & Kevin Boniface.
—Online via Zoom
21 August 2023, 7pm
Candle Poems Launch
Join the launch of Candle
Poems, published by Poem Atlas. Featuring readings by Astra Papachristodoulou, Greg Thomas and more.
—Glasgow Zine Library
19 March 2023, 3pm
Paper Ink Festival
Join the Poetics Research Centre and Corrupted Poetry for a Sunday afternoon of readings. Link for more info.
—Landmark Arts Centre
11 May 2022, 7.30pm
Future Cities Launch
See our new exhibition Future Cities and experience live readings from contributing poets. More information here.
—National Poetry Library
18 February 2022, 6pm
Reading from Doubtless
Performing falongside the legendary Maggie O'Sullivan and Genevieve Grant as part of the Morag Morris Poetry Lecture Series
—Uni of Surrey via Zoom
22 March 2023, 8pm
Future Cities Book
Join the launch of the Future Cities anthology, published by Joe Hales. Featuring readings by the contributing poets.
—National Poetry Library
20 October 2022, 7.30pm
Poetry Games launch
You're invited the National Poetry Library's exhibition and discover a world where poetry and games collide.
—National Poetry Library
7 May 2022, 12-6pm
Surrey Poetry Festival
The annual Surrey Poetry Festival features a range of poets including Liz Bahs, Sarah Cave and Stephen Mooney amongst others.
—Online via Zoom
8 December 2021, 4pm
Potential Books Launch
Potential Books anthology launch High Salvage. This publication is led by the University of Surrey's Writer in Residence, Iain Sinclair.
—Uni of Surrey via Zoom
18 September 2021, 3.30pm
Text-Isles Exhibition launch
Launch event feat. readings from Stephen Mooney, Simon Tyrrell and myself as well as live music by Afrodite Papachristodoulou & Christos Anthoulas. Link here.
—Art Park Gallery, Rhodes
06 March 2021, 12.30pm
Instagram Poetry
Instagram poetry has been credited with creating a new generation of poetry lovers. A sample of visual poetry curated by Chris McCabe. Link here.
—StAnza Festival Online
09 September 2021, 7.30pm
Fiona Benson Launch
Guillemot Press launch event for Fiona Benson's new book
Bioluminescent Baby. I will be reading alongside Fiona and
Maia Elsner. Link here.
—Guillemot Press via Zoom
17 June 2021, 7.30pm
Photo-poetry Surfaces
Panel discussions and readings to celebrate the exhibition, feat.
Chris McCabe, Liz Berry, Tom Hicks, SJ Fowler and more. Watch the event here.
—Bristol Festival via Zoom
01 October 2020, 5.00pm
GreenBlues Seminar Series
A PGR-led seminar series
exploring visions of adaptation to ecological upheaval. Curated by Karen Sandhu and Nadira Wallace. More info here.
—Online via Zoom
03 February 2020, 5.30pm
Poetry Illustrated
The exhibition featured 40 illustrations of poetry completed by students at Sutton High School and will be on display until July 2020.
—Royal Marsden Hospital
31 July 2020, 7.00pm
artBLAB:text Launch
Please join artBLAB's new Zoom exhibition opening for artist talks, poetry reading and a mini-concert by Flo Perlin! More information here.
—Online via Zoom
29 January 2020, 7.30pm
Temporary Spaces Launch
The exhibition and launch event are curated by Astra Papachristo-doulou in collaboration with Nic Stringer from Corrupted Poetry.
—The Poetry Café, London
03 February - 03 March 2020
Hesterglock Exhibition
Bristol-based Hesterglock Press invite you to an exhibition of artworks and books at Neck of the Woods Community Cafe.
More information here.
—Neck of the Woods, Bristol
28 January 2020, 4pm
Poetry at the Planetarium
An event that celebrated a Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Surrey and the Winchester Science Centre.
—Winchester Planetarium
13 December 2019, 6.30pm
Double Six Private Viewing
This exhibition is your chance to relive all the fun of boardgames through the ages. Feat. poems from Stephen Emmerson, Astra Papachristodoulou and more.
—Kingston Museum, Kingston
07 November 2019, 6.00pm
Poets in the Library II
Six poets respond to The Yellow Book magazine series held in the collection of Westminster Reference Library, through new poems, music and visual art.
—Westminster Library
11 September 2019, 7.00pm
Stargazing Book Launch
Come along for the launch of two new pamphlets by Astra Papachristodoulou and Sarah Cave. More info here.
— The Poetry Cafe, London
09 July 2019, 7.15pm
Guillotine Poetry Night
The seventh poetry night of event series, Guillotine featuring poets
Astra Papachristodoulou, also featuring the making of bespoke poems live on stage.
— Beehive, Tottenham
06 June 2019, 7.00pm
artBLAB London
Join us for an evening of talks about art and discover 5 ground-breaking artists. Featuring Millie Boardman, Alice McCabe, Iris
Colomb and more.
—The Poetry Cafe, London
18 May 2019, 4.00pm
A non-stop Poem-a-Thon featuring an astonishing line-up of sixty poets over ten hours. Money raised will help support The Poetry Society. Info here.
—The Poetry Café, London
06 April 2019, 7.30pm
The European Camarade
34 poets in 17 pairs from 25 countries will present brand new collaborations of literary performance, made especially for the night. Find out more here.
—Rich Mix, London
19 March 2019, 6.30pm
Berfrois Anthology Launch
Berfrois and Queen Mob's Tea House come together with Dostoyevsky Wannabe to launch two new anthologies at The Second Shelf. More info here.
—The Second Shelf, London
21 February 2019, 7.30pm
The third annual exhibition of visual literature at Surbiton’s Museum of Futures with nearly 30 artists exhibiting new works More info here.
—Museum of Futures, London
06 December 2019, 7.00pm
At the Edge of Town
This event features readings from Susie Campbell, Lucy Furlong, Astra Papachristodoulou and Julia Rose Lewis. More info about the event here.
—The Spike, Guildford
10 October 2019, time 7.30pm
Guillemot Poets Reading
Three Guillemot Press poets read new work at the lovely
Chener Books bookshop in East Dulwich, London. Free entrance.
— Chener Books, East Dulwich
18 July 2019, 7.00pm
artBLAB London
Featuring Serena Braida, Cady Herring, Marta Grabowska and Inkteraktiv. Curated by Michał Piotrowski and Astra Papachri-stodoulou. Info here.
— The Poetry Cafe, London
06 July 2019, 7.00pm
The Poet's Brut Special View
Launch event of The Poet’s Brut group exhibition which features rand new works by eight of the UK’s most exciting contemporary poets. More info here.
—The Poetry Cafe, London
05 June 2019, 7.00pm
Tributes to Attila József
This event celebrates the icono-clastic Hungarian poet through brand new commissions of contemporary artists, writers and musicians. Info here.
—Hungarian Cultural Centre
15 May 2019, 7.00pm
Dirt Corrupted Poetry
Dirt is compulsive behaviour, undignified things and a source of life – poets and artists consider how dirt can damage or become beautiful. More info here.
—The Poetry Café, London
28 March 2019, 7.00pm
Leaving our own continent
A unique celebration of the possibilities of collabora-tion aim to alleviate, however briefly, the malaise of Brexit. More info here.
—Gulbenkian Café, Canterbury
10 March 2019, 7.00pm
artBLAB series
This event will feature talks from mask maker Anaïs Lalange, Astra
Papachristodoulou, David Ash-ford, J Whitehead Ryan O'Riordan. More info here.
—Canvas Café, London
20 February 2019, 7.00pm
Poethetic Pathogens
A special view opening event featuring Christian Patracchini, Iris Colomb, Astra Papachristo-doulou, Oliver Fox, Russell Bennetts and more. Info here.
—Avivson Gallery, London
05 December 2019, 7.30pm
Blockplay Launch
Join us for the launch of Astra Papachristodoulou's pamphlet Blockplay in a poetry evening themed around childhood games. More info here.
—The Poetry Cafe, London
28 September 2019, 4.00pm
Bodmin Moor Poetry Festival
The festival's stellar line-up of poets including John F Deane, Phoebe Power, Andrew McMillan, Rachael Allen & many more. Info here.
— Starts Theatre, Cornwall
14 July 2019, 7.00pm
European Camarade
Twenty two poets in eleven pairs present eleven brand new live works over one night. Featuring Russell Bennetts, Astra Papachri-stodoulou, Han Smith and more.
— Torriano Meeting House
26 June 2019, 7.00pm
Guillemot Press Poetry Night
Elisabeth Sennitt Clough, Astra Papachristdoulou and Jerome Fletcher are reading eel-themed poems from The Creel anthology.
— Dutch Church, London
22 May 2019, 7.00pm
Guillemot Poetry evening
The SLG Bookshop hosts the launch of Kalimba by Petero Kalulé. Join us for readings by Petero Kalulé and poets Astra Papachristodoulou and L. Kiew.
— South London Gallery
12 May 2019, 4.00pm
Blue Peninsula Poetry Party
This is a launch party for a new book 'Heroines: On the Blue Peninsula' by Becky Varley-Winter featuring readings from various poets. More info here.
—The Harrison Pub, London
20 March 2019, 7.00pm
Queen Mob's Tea House
A Queen Mob's poetry party. Featuring readings from Owen Vince, Nadia de Vries, Andrew Wells, Russell Bennetts, Calliope Michail, Colin Raff and more.
—Torriano Meeting House
08 March 2019, 7.00pm
Wretched Strangers reading
JT Welsch and Ágnes Lehóczky
assembled an anthology to mark the vital contribution of non-UK-born writers to this country’s poetry culture. Info here.
—The Exchange, London
26 January 2019, 7.30pm
The Vienna Camarade
Drawing on some of the most innovative poets from the significant Vienna poetry scene alongside those travelling into Austria from UK. More info here.
—Einbaumöbel, Vienna
23 November 2018, 7.30pm
Xing the Line
Launch event for 'Wretched Strangers', a new anthology by writers from across the world. The event features readin-gs from poets from the anthology.
—Iklektik, London
13 October 2018, 7.30pm
European Camarade
Brand new performances from some of Europe's most exciting poets, with works from Livia Franchini, Nadia de Vries and more. Info here.
—Rich Mix, London
22 September 2018, 2.00pm
Free Verse Poetry Book Fair
Robots, androids and the like are welcome to join Sidekick Books at Free Verse 2018 for a sneak peek of their upcoming 'No, Robot, No!' anthology. Info here.
—Senate House, London
31 May 2018, 7.00pm
A-Z of Villainy
26 poets to each create a new poem exploring a most hated villains. Featuring Astra Papa-
christodoulou, Paul Stephenson, Kirsten Irving amongst others.
—Betsey Trotwood, London
7 April 2018, 7.30pm
European Poetry Camarade
A remarkable evening that brings 32 poets from 25 countries together, in 16 pairs, presenting brand new collaborations of literary performance.
—Rich Mix, London
22 February 2018, 7.00pm
Scribbling & Scrawling
As part of that exhibition this event will present a special one off Camarade - an event featu-ring new works made by pairs of writers who are exhibiting.
—Museum of Futures, London
31 October 2018, 7.30pm
Dead [Women] Poets Society
Join us for a spooky edition of Dead [Women] Poets Society as they return to The Poetry Café to commune with the dead on All Hallows’ Eve. Info here.
—Poetry Cafè, London
6 October 2018, 7.00pm
Ampersand Poetry Night
The evening features extra-ordinary new collections from Hermione Cameron, Robert Hainault, Astra Papachristodou-lou and Mark Staples.
—504 Arch, London
28 June 2018, 6.00pm
Bedford Square 11 launch
MA Creative Writing graduates celebrate the launch of Bedford Square 11. The book of fiction & poetry showcases their best work at the culmination of the MA.
—Senate House, London
22 May 2018, 6.30pm
Astropolis Book Launch
HVTN and Fathom Books come together for a joint poetry night. This is a launch for Astra Papachristodoulou's pamphlet 'Songs From Astropolis'.
—Peckham Pelican, London
5 April 2018, 7.30pm
Theatre of Failure I
World renowned poets visiting from Amsterdam, Paris, Dublin and Venice read alongside European poets local to the Kingston area
—Rose Theatre, Kingston
24 October 2018, 8.30pm
IGNOR Festival
The IGNOR Festival will take place from the 24-26 October at Club Gromka which is situated in the very heart of Metelkova in Ljubljana. More info here.
—Klub Gromka, Ljubljana
4 October 2018, 7.00pm
Writers' Centre Kingston
Kingston University's literary cultural centre presents readings from poets and writers on the theme of Becoming. More information here.
—Rose Theatre, Kingston
15 June 2018, 4.00pm
Praxis 10, all-dayer poetry event featuring Gillian Wylde, Redell Olsen, Astra Papachristodoulou, Calum Hazell and more.
—Café OTO, London
12 April 2018, 7.30pm
Theatre of Failure I
Theatre of Failure is an irregular LGBTQ poetry night organised by JD Howse and Sarah Dawson. It is held upstairs at the Nell of Old Drury.
—Nell of Drury, London
19 March 2018, 6.00pm
Creative Writing Open Day
Former students from the MA will read from their published work and answer questions about the fiction, poetry and poetic practice pathways.
—Bedford Square 11, London
Conway Hall reading
Royal Holloway Poetics Research Centre presents readings by poets from the MA in Poetic Practice and the practice-based PhD programme.
24 August 2017, 7pm
Poetry at the Cemetery
Featuring Tony White, Thomas Duggan, Alexander Kell, Iris Colomb, Astra Papachristodou-lou, Susie Campbell, SJ Fowler and more. More info here.
—Kensal Green Cemetery
30 October 2017, 7.00pm
Almost a Nightmare launch
Contraband Live returns to the Apollo Room above The Crown on Clerkenwell Green to launch beautiful new books More info here.
—Crown Tavern, London
5 May 2017, 7.30pm
European Poetry Camarade
European Poetry at Libreria featuring readings from some of Europe's most innovative poets, visiting London from a half dozen European nations.
—Libreria, London
6 May 2017, 7.30pm
European Poetry Night
An amazing opportunity to see some of the most exciting contemporary poets from all over Europe, as over 25 poets travel to London. More info here.
—Rich Mix, London
10 February 2017, 7.00pm
University Camarade
Students from Kingston Univer-sity, Edge Hill University, York, Royal Holloway, St John, and Glasgow present a dozen brand new works in collaboration.
—Libreria, London
5 November 2016, 2.00pm
Small Publishers' Fair 2016
Featuring readings by Matt Martin, JD Howse, Mischa Foster Poole, Astra Papachristodoulou,
Simon Pomery, Bob T Bright, Sarah Dawson and more.
—Conway Hall, London